Why has it taken so long for GumCha to make the trip West?

Why has it taken so long for GumCha to make the trip West?


For me, this is an interesting question.
After all, people in the Americas and in Europe really like handmade things, particularly if they are well-designed, rugged and useful. And many products are imported into the USA and Europe from India. So, for something like GumCha to have not made the trip seems improbable. In this short video I give the best explanation that I have.

My thought is this: Throughout history, the very best of things are purchased and used very close to where they are produced. When local production just meets local demand, it just makes sense that something is good as GumCha has never made it across the waters to the Western cultures. The GumCha4Health program plans to change all that and for good reasons.

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